The top 4 content types for social media

Variety is the spice of… marketing

Social media for your every day life feels easy. You might not even give it much thought. You share with friends and loved ones places you go, food you are eating, items you are buying, activities and adventures, things you love, or a not so subtle quote to elude to your current state of mind.

Social media for your business isn’t dissimilar, or at least it doesn’t have to be.

There are four main areas that you can capitalise on to keep your audience engaged:

1. Information

Encourage new or better decisions from your existing and potential audience through facts and news.
Those that are more logically minded will respond to this way of marketing, as they are able to make an informed choice that they think is based on logic.

2. Entertainment

Attract attention, engage people’s emotions, and if you can, get some laughs!
Many purchases, be it of a product or service, are emotion based, so tap into this by having entertaining content in the forefront of your mind when you are planning your next posts. Not to mention, it’s a bit of fun for you!

3. Inspiration

In the age of memes, quotes and personal development, if you are able to inspire your audience, this is likely to generate a desired response that will work in your favour.
Help people believe in themselves, believe in their ability to make a great choice, explore a different path, and try something new.

4. Education

Growing skills and knowledge is a driver for many. Therefore, if you offer content that teaches, be it a snapshot of new knowledge or the larger offering in the acquisition of new skills and capabilities, you will ensure an engaged and loyal audience.

So go forth and create, knowing that you will ‘tick the boxes’ of varied content, have an interesting social media page you can be proud of, and give yourself the highest chance of being noticed by your mass audience.

…and have fun, because after all, that’s the inherent nature of social media.


Don’t forget to nurture your brand advocates!


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